Children, Toddler, and Tween Costumes
Kids of all ages love Halloween, and for them, it's a chance to play make believe and wear costumes that spark their creative imagination. Costumes for children range from adorably cute to funny to cool, and there's a costume to suit every child's unique personality. In addition to Halloween, kids may require authentic costumes for school or church plays, pageants or for the community parade. Whatever the reason for the costume, it's important to invest in outfits that fit well, feel comfortable and are durable enough for most activities.
Infants and Toddlers
Dressing the smallest tykes in a cute costume is just like dressing in regular clothes, and in some cases it's much easier thanks to bodysuit construction. Costumes for infants and toddlers are often one piece, making it easy to slip the costume over little arms and legs. As for style choices, there are plenty of great themes. Animal costumes are fun for kids who are learning about farm and zoo animals. Or maybe a little one can transform into a pumpkin. ladybug, clown, rag doll or dragon. As long as the costume is comfortable, kids this age generally enjoy being fussed over as the cutest thing ever.
Kids ages five to 10 years old are likely to voice their opinion about what kind of costume they want to wear. At this stage of development, children are influenced by older siblings, favorite TV shows, movies and pop culture. Of course, adults can steer children in a certain direction and act as influencers. For instance, kids may not know much about the '50s, '60s, '70s or '80s, but they can freely browse costumes from these eras, deciding which ones they think are cool to wear to school or to a party. Age appropriate costumes for children allow them to become anything from colonial figures to rockers. Suggestions for girls include '50s era poodle skirts and '70s era flower power outfits. Boys may enjoy the role of a vintage class nerd or a fighter pilot.
Tweens and Teens
Tweens and teens want costumes that make them look cool, whether the costume is for a Halloween party or a school play. The key to pleasing this age group is finding quality costumes that have the look of authenticity. Also, make sure accessories such as masks, wigs and shoes are available for completing the look. Costume ideas include medieval princess or knight, hippie child, game characters and fashionable monsters.